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- You will get first posting of important articles on newly approved medicines from the FDA, what they are, what they treat and why they are important.
- Ten percent discount on all video downloads.
- You will get first access to Videos on Medicines. This will include videos on how to remember your pills, videos about new FDA approvals and Emerging Essential Guide to Medical News Videos about possible new uses (FDA approved indications).
- You will get first access to Videos from our coverage of the American Heart Association. This will include a members tour of the conference venue, interviews with key researchers and the most important breaking news videos on how to remember your pills, videos about new FDA approvals and Emerging Essential Guide to Medical News, November issue
- You will get first access to Videos from our coverage of the American College of Cardiology meeting. This will include a members tour of the conference venue, interviews with key researchers and the most important breaking news videos on how to remember your pills, videos about new FDA approvals and Emerging Essential Guide to Medical News Cardiology, March issue.
- You will have special access to discount coupons of 10-20% on certain new products as we create them.
- You will get the option to receive true breakthrough alerts. This will be sent via email once True Breakthrough research, medicines, guidelines and medical products become published or are FDA approved.
- You can hop in and out of membership. For example, you may only be especially interested in Heart News from the American Heart Association conference which happens every November. Join for the Elite Platinum Heart for November, reap the benefits, then change to the basic plan. While we are biased, we think membership on an ongoing basis makes sense, but it’s all up to you.